Our laboratory is interested in applying the latest molecular, cellular, and functional measurement technologies for understanding the mechanisms of melanoma progression and identifying novel biomarkers and drug targets.
biomarkers, melanoma, precision medicine, translational oncology
New technologies such as single-cell sequencing, proteomics, and multi-dimensional imaging have allowed for unprecedented insights about the tumor microenvironment. Applied to material collected from well-curated patient cohorts receiving the latest precision medicines, these tools enable the identification of 1) mechanisms of failed response to immuno- or targeted- therapies, 2) biomarkers of therapeutic response, and 3) novel targets for immuno-modulation or targeted therapy. These translational research goals are now achievable through the direct use of material from consenting patients, and with the comprehensive melanoma biobank of the University of Zurich Hospital. Well-characterized cells from these tumors have been systematically profiled (i.e. DNA, RNA, proteome) and used for high-throughput small-molecule screening to identify novel targets in untreatable melanomas. Not only do these drugs have potential for clinical application, but they also reveal basic mechanisms of melanoma biology that well help us build better models for tumor initiation and progression.
SKINTEGRITY.CH Principal Investigators are in bold: