The research of the Kopf lab is focused on understanding inflammatory and infectious diseases with a particular interest in the role the role of cytokines in these processes.
cytokines, inflammation, infections, innate & adaptive immunity
Overshooting immune responses and inflammation contribute to wide range of chronic diseases including atherosclerosis, type 2 diabetes, psoriasis, asthma, and autoimmune diseases, which pose the greatest threat to human health worldwide due to a high prevalence and incidence. On the other hand, potent immune responses are required to control infectious disease and eliminate tumours. The molecular pathways underlying chronic inflammatory disorder and defence against pathogens or tumours are often overlapping, with T cells, myeloid cells, and cytokines produced by them playing a central role. We are studying the cellular and molecular mechanisms of inflammation using several genetically modified animal models. Moreover, the lab has started to study the role of the major redox pathways, including the glutathione/glutaredoxin, thioredoxin, and Nrf2 pathway in T cell- and myeloid cell-mediated inflammation. Recently, we also established a novel and unique technology platform for unbiased identification of peptide epitopes recognized by T cells that can be harnessed for personalized immunotherapy of cancer or autoimmunity, and vaccination against infectious diseases.
SKINTEGRITY.CH Principal Investigators are in bold: