Our main research focuses on genetic and epigenetic determinants of field cancerisation, a very frequent condition consisting of multifocal and recurrent lesions at various stages of neoplastic progression associated with widespread aging-associated changes of surrounding tissues. More specifically, we focus on field cancerization of the skin, as a benchmark of major clinical significance. We dissect the role of the Notch/CSL and androgen receptor signaling pathways in cancer associated fibroblast (CAF) activation and their impact on skin squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma development.
field cancerization, squamous cell carcinoma, cancer associated fibroblasts, Notch/CSL signaling, androgen receptor
On the basis of a bad seed/bad soil hypothesis that we have proposed for field cancerization, we are addressing two main topics: (i) the role that genetic/epigenetic alterations leading to CAF activation play in this process; (ii) the reciprocal crosstalk between activated CAFs and cells of incipient squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma lesions. We are investigating the interplay between transcriptional/epigenetic control mechanisms and genomic stability in dermal fibroblasts and CAFs, focusing on CSL, the key effector of canonical Notch signaling endowed with intrinsic transcription repressive function, which we have found to be also an essential element of a telomere binding/protective complex. We are studying specific genomic alterations that occur in CAFs, focusing on the frequent amplification and overexpression of the Notch1 gene that render these cells resistant to the UVA-induced DNA damage response (DDR) and promote cancer/stromal cells expansion. Finally, we are investigating the dual role that androgen receptor (AR) signaling plays in suppressing CAF activation and, at the same time, promoting melanoma cell proliferation and tumorigenesis. We are exploring the translational potential of our findings by testing epigenetic modulatory compounds interfering with Notch/CSL and AR signaling in both CAFs and cancer cells.
SKINTEGRITY.CH Principal Investigators are in bold: