SKINTEGRITY.CH Principal Investigators are in bold:
Gröninger O, Hess S, Mohn D, Schneider E, Stark W, Märsmann S, Wolint P, Calcagni M, Cinelli P, and Buschmann J (2020). Directing stem cell commitment by amorphous calcium phosphate nanoparticles incorporated in PLGA: Relevance of the free calcium ion concentration. Int J Mol Sci. 21: 2627.
Reissner L, Politikou O, Fischer G, and Calcagni M (2020). In-vivo three-dimensional motion analysis of the wrist during dart-throwing motion after midcarpal fusion and radioscapholunate fusion. J Hand Surg Eur Vol45: 501-507.
Kamat P, Frueh FS, McLuckie M, Sanchez-Macedo N, Wolint P, Lindenblatt N, Plock JA, Calcagni M, and Buschmann J (2020). Adipose tissue and the vascularization of biomaterials: Stem cells, microvascular fragments and nanofat-a review. Cytotherapy 22: 400-411.
Calcagni M, Zimmermann S, Scaglioni MF, Giesen T, Giovanoli P, and Fakin RM (2018). The novel treatment of SVF-enriched fat grafting for painful end-neuromas of superficial radial nerve. Microsurgery 38: 264-269.