Our research focus is on all immunological aspects of dermatology, allergy and inflammation, mostly in humans, but also in companion animals, such as cats, dogs and horses. Our expertise is in immunotherapy, vaccine development, development of monoclonal antibodies and in translational research projects.
allergology, dermatology, inflammation, immunology
Inflammatory skin diseases are highly prevalent. 10% of the population is affected by atopic dermatitis and 3% by psoriasis. Both inflammatory diseases are systemic, involving not only the skin but often also other organs. Atopic dermatitis is associated with asthma and allergies, whereas psoriasis is associated with cardiovascular comorbidities, arthritis and several other inflammatory diseases. We have identified novel therapeutic targets in atopic dermatitis (IL-1a) and have developed monoclonal antibodies currently evaluated in humans, as well as active anti-cytokine vaccines for treatment of eczema in horses and dogs, using virus like particles displaying IL-5 and IL-31. Virus-like particles can also be coupled with allergens to enhance efficacy of allergy immunotherapy ("desensitization"), so that the current regimen with 30-50 injections can be reduced to 3 injections.
SKINTEGRITY.CH Principal Investigators are in bold: