Our core competence is the development of new sensors and measurement methods in biomedical engineering. In particular, we are experienced in skin science and technology: artificial skin models mimicking real skin properties, computer simulations, development of new sensors. We benefit from the state-of-the-art infrastructure allowing the development of demanding clinical-grade prototypes.
biomedical sensors, optics, thermal imaging, thermal sensors
With a small team of talented ZHAW engineers and scientists, we have been applying well-established and emerging engineering methods to relevant medical and biological problems for almost ten years. As a team, we are dedicated to creating impact by cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset and thinking beyond academic publishing, focusing on technology transfer from the laboratory to the industry.
We have been investigating thermal imaging and thermal sensor-based techniques as the basis for potential new diagnostic methods in dermatology. We use computer simulations and experimental measurements on custom, laboratory-made skin phantoms to validate the developed technology.
In parallel, we are offering our engineering expertise for the design, implementation and clinical validation of state-of-the-art optoelectronics devices.
SKINTEGRITY.CH Principal Investigators are in bold: